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Playing to Win, A Forbidden Firsts Story Page 2
Playing to Win, A Forbidden Firsts Story Read online
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With a single word she gave him what he wanted.
Dan made a low, strangled sound, and began to fuck her with his whole body, pounding her deeper and deeper into the ground. With every thrust she screamed, as waves of pain and pleasure fought for dominance.
“Harder! Faster!” she demanded, and he increased the tempo until there was nothing but Dan, filling her, breaking her, driving her beyond anything she could imagine, and then suddenly, she was beyond, and the sky above her exploded into a million points of light.
Every inch of her body trembled with the force of her climax. The muscles of her cunt tightened around Dan's cock until he too, screamed his release then buried his face in her shoulder and sobbed her name.
Bacon and Pussy – Dan
Dan woke up the next morning to a warm feeling of deep satisfaction. He wouldn't be surprised if he was glowing. He reached out for Carter, but her side of the bed was cool and empty. Dan followed the smell of coffee and bacon into the kitchen, stopping just long enough to pull on some pajama pants.
Carter was in the sitting area reading a book. She stood up at his approach and he took in her dainty white negligee, covered by a tiny apron. Dan raised his eyebrows as he inspected her outfit. “You look heavenly, hun, but you didn't cook bacon wearing that did you?
Carter padded across the floor to Dan in her bare feet. “I'm going to kill Stacy. She told me she'd pack what I needed for the weekend, but all she put in my bag is nighties and underwear.” She gave him an accusing glance. “Are you sure you weren't in on this?”
“I'm sure not complaining,” said Dan, admiring the way the apron did absolutely nothing to hide Carter's luscious curves. Her nipples were darkly visible through the silky fabric of her nightgown, and he decided she was over-dressed.
“The strange thing,” Carter was saying, “is I can't even find the clothes I wore yesterday.”
“Did you try outside?” he asked, thinking immediately to himself: And when can we try it outside again?
Of course, she didn't catch the subtle reference. She was still speculating about her lost clothes, so he gave it another shot, “Did you try the back door?”
Carter paused and looked at him with a puzzled expression. “This thing has a back door?”
Shaking with the effort of not laughing, Dan managed to choke out, “Want me to show you?”
Carter narrowed her eyes, clearly understanding his implication now. “You can just forget about that right now. Ew!”
“Would you do it if that's what it said to do in one of those envelopes?”
He'd already considered writing his own game card and sneaking it into one of the numbered envelopes somehow.
“She wouldn't!” gasped Carter, but she didn't look so sure.
“If she did, I wouldn't make you do it,” said Dan, crossing his fingers behind his back.
“If it's in there, I'll do it,” Carter replied, with a look of grim determination. “I’m playing this game to win.”
She put her arms around his waist, pressing her body against his. The mounds of her breasts were warm and firm where they pressed against his bare chest and the expression on her face had softened. “I had an amazing time yesterday. I had no idea what I was missing.”
Dan's cock hardened now, held firmly against her aproned abdomen. He bent down and nipped softly at her neck. She smelled like bacon and pussy, and he was hungry for both. “How about we go back to bed and I'll show you what else you've been missing?”
Carter stepped back slightly and put her hands on his chest to keep him at bay. “I made you breakfast, in case you didn't notice.”
He could think of other things he'd much rather do with Carter than eat breakfast, but he was hungry and would hopefully need plenty of energy for later, so he sat down and put some bacon and eggs on his plate.
He reached over and fed Carter a piece of bacon. “What do you think the rest of these cards are going to tell us to do?”
“Oh, I don't know, probably more of the same, maybe something kinky for fun.”
“I didn't know you thought kinky was fun. Kinky like handcuffs or kinky like a three-way?”
Carter snorted, “Those only sound like fun for you. I don't want to watch you and some other woman.”
“You're right,” he said, “Let's make it you with another woman.”
Carter rolled her eyes. “You're so predictable. Why do guys always think lesbians are so hot?”
“We don't think they're hot, they are hot. The only thing hotter than lesbians would be lesbian sisters.” He couldn't believe he'd just said that. He waited for Carter to look shocked and reprimand him, but instead she teased him.
“You mean like me and Stacy in the shower together, hot water and clouds of steam, and we're soaping each other up?”
“Oh Stacy, my tits are so dirty,” mimed Carter, touching her own nipples which immediately came to attention.
Dan realized his cock was responding enthusiastically to the fantasy and he knew he'd better change the subject fast. “What if it was another guy?”
“As in, I have sex with another guy while you watch? That's a good one.”
“No, really. What if it was on one of the cards?”
“I would never do something like that to you.” Carter looked momentarily indignant then pointed out the obvious, “There's only us here anyway.”
“Regardless,” said Dan, then had an idea: “Just for this weekend I'm fine with you doing anything the cards say.”
“Anything?” asked Carter, twisting a piece of her hair between two fingers.
“Anything.” said Dan. “Now finish your breakfast, I want to see what's on the next card.”
Car Trouble – Dan
They hadn't gotten to the next card yet though. The hot sun beat down on the RV, so Dan had tried to move it into the shade, scant as it was. That's when they'd discovered the battery to the starter was dead.
Dan tried again to turned the engine over, but there wasn't even a half-hearted splutter. It was completely dead. Carter looked down at her cell phone for what seemed the millionth time. No service.
“She wasn't kidding when she said we'd have our privacy here.” said Dan. They'd been watching for a car to pass them on the dirt road for several hours, but it had remained empty in both directions as far as they could see.
“It's not that far to the main road,” he said. “Maybe five or ten miles. I'm sure I'll be able to get cell reception there, or worst case, I can just hitch a ride to town and bring back help.”
Carter remained silent, staring hard out the window and refusing to look at him.
“Damn it, Carter, stop acting like a baby. You know we can't both go. You're better off here where you can be out of the sun and there's water.” He paused, looking her up and down. “Though you'd stop traffic for sure, looking like that.”
She still hadn't found her clothing and had ended up changing into something lacy and red that pushed her breasts up and barely covered her nipples. The lower half was sheer and open in the front so he could see her stomach and her panties. Every inch of her luscious body was fuming and he found it sexy as hell. Forget about getting back to civilization. They could just fuck until someone found them. It could be weeks, he fantasized.
He knew how quickly their situation could turn dangerous though. They had a limited supply of water and the daytime temperature could get into the 100's. He had to let someone know where they were.
“What if you don't come back?” Carter was finally talking to him again, a pleading look in her eyes.
“Don't even think that. I'm going to be right back. I can cover five miles in less than an hour. I'll be back before you know it,” he soothed.
She didn't look reassured, so he reached over and squeezed her leg. “Listen, I've got an idea. I'll get a ride to town and then bring the car back here so we can stay as long as we want. We can call a tow truck for this piece of shit RV tomorrow night so we don’t
have to spoil the whole weekend.”
Carter reached down and took his hand. “That does sound kind of nice, but what am I going to do while you're gone?”
There wasn't much to do in the RV, and he glanced around for inspiration. His eyes fell on the stack of envelopes. “How about this: After I've been gone an hour you open the next challenge and start thinking about it, and maybe, uh... start getting yourself ready for me. You know there won't be anything that can keep me from racing back here to finish you off.”
He put the #3 envelope in her hands and gave her a slow, deep kiss on the mouth. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
The Photo Shoot – Carter
Carter sat at the table, eyes on the clock. Dan had been gone an hour but it felt like days. She imagined him at the main road by now, hot and sweaty, thumb out and trying to get someone to give him a ride.
She looked around the RV and reviewed the weekend. Her step-sister was sweet to make all the arrangements. Everything had been really great until the RV battery died.
She'd changed into a silky pink camisole with matching pink shorts that fitted her closely and rode high on her ass, showing her cheeks. The delicate fabric with its hint of lace at the neckline made her feel pretty and feminine. She was the damsel in distress, waiting for Prince Charming to come and rescue her.
She fidgeted in her seat and the rough material scratched against her bottom. She was too anxious to read or take a nap. Had Dan gotten a ride yet? Was he already on his way back? She knew he'd be hurrying.
Her eyes fell on the game envelopes and she picked up the top one, turning it over and over in her hands. Dan had told her to go ahead and open it. Anything to take her mind off Dan's progress would be helpful. She slid a finger under the flap and tore open the envelope. Unfolding the note, she read:
3. Kiss a girl.
“Great,” she said aloud. “That's just great. Dan's not even here to kiss me.”
She knew he'd be disappointed when he read the note. It was clear he was hoping for something a little more exciting. If she was honest, she'd hoped the same thing. It was so much easier to be a little naughty out here in the middle of nowhere.
Carter glanced at the clock again and saw it was four o'clock. Dan would have to hurry and get back if they were going to finish this challenge in an hour.
She'd gotten up to pour herself a drink when someone knocked on the door of the RV. Her heart leaped and she rushed to open the door before she registered she hadn't heard a car drive up, and Dan wouldn't have knocked. She stopped cold when she saw two strangers standing in front of her.
They were both female, a blonde with long hair pulled back into a pony tail, and a brunette with a short, impish haircut that emphasized her cheekbones. The two girls wore backpacks and hiking shoes, tank tops and shorts, and they appeared sweaty and disheveled.
“Thank heavens!” exclaimed the brunette. “We didn't think anyone would actually be here.”
“Can you spare some water?” asked the blonde. “We won't come in, but we spilled our water and it's pretty hot out here.
Carter eyed the tired girls. Maybe she could convince them to stay until Dan got back. Time crawled with no one to talk to.
“Do you want to come in?” she asked.
“No, it's really okay. Maybe we'll sit a few minutes in the shade here though if you don't mind.”
“Feel free to pull up a lawn chair then. I'll be right back.”
As she turned aside to get their drinks, she noticed the blonde's gaze linger on her body. She remembered with a start that she wore next to nothing, but she was hungry for some company, and she'd already invited them to stay.
She refused to think about the card: Kiss a girl.
The girls were friendly and easy-going. The blonde said her name was Amber, and the brunette was Violet. They were her age, and spending the summer traveling and taking photos. They'd gone out to the desert today to get some shots of each other and spilled their water in the process. Now they were teasing each other about who spilled the water, and appealed to Carter to decide.
Amber took an expensive looking camera out of her bag, flipped the mode to review, and handed it to Carter. Carter began to look through their photos and felt her cheeks warm. Although there were a few landscape shots, most of the photos were of the girls themselves. She started to hand the camera back but Amber waved it away. “Keep going, you aren't there yet.” Violet nodded her agreement, so Carter kept flipping.
She stopped on a photo of Amber, leaning with her back against a large craggy rock. She faced the camera, wearing a bikini bottom and a soaking wet, white shirt that was plastered to her body and artfully arranged to show her cleavage while clinging to her full, round breasts and erect nipples. “This is gorgeous,” she said to Amber, meaning it.
Amber smiled and said, “Do you think it was worth our last bottle of water to get that wet t-shirt look?”
Carter studied the photo again, and thought maybe it was worth it.
“I think it was,” said Violet, with a wink to Carter.
Carter swallowed, feeling the sexual tension between the girls. She returned to the camera, and paused at a photo of Violet. In this one Violet stood so the camera was aimed up at her. Her arms were raised over her head with her hands in her hair, and her hip was thrust to the side, giving her a fantastically curvaceous shape. The bikini bottoms were pulled low on her hips, barely covering the tip of the triangle between her legs, and her breasts were bare. They were high and lush, the nipples taut and dark.
Carter imagined Amber pinching Violet's nipples to get them ready for the photo and felt her own nipples crinkle. She tore her gaze from the camera and felt Amber's eyes burning on her breasts beneath the chemise. Where were her fucking clothes when she needed them? She set the camera down and crossed her arms over her chest.
“It's a shame to hide such beautiful breasts, Carter,” Amber said, taking Carter's arms and slowly lowering them to her sides. Then she cupped one of Amber's breasts in her hands. “Mmm, perfect,” exhaled Amber.
Carter was frozen by her touch. She'd never been touched like that by another woman, though she’d wondered what it would be like. Violet smiled encouragingly at her and Amber had been matter-of-fact, yet gracious.
Violet picked up the camera up and brought it to focus on Carter. She clicked off several shots and turned the camera ninety degrees, clicking several more. Carter felt shy, and lifted her arms again to cover herself. Again, Amber lowered her arms. “You really do have lovely breasts, Carter.”
Violet handed the camera to Amber and took Carter's hand. “The light is perfect over by those rocks. Let's try a few poses, and you can keep the photos for you and your boyfriend. Where is he anyway?”
Carter scanned the road, but it was still empty. “He'll be back in a few minutes, I'm sure.”
“Okay, this will only take a few minutes,” said Violet. “Head over to those rocks and I'll be right behind you.”
Carter walked slowly while an internal struggle waged. She was fine with the idea of taking a few pictures. From what she'd seen, one or both of the girls was a talented photographer. The problem was, she couldn't get the words out of her head: Kiss a girl.
Damn Stacy and her stupid game. Now, when she thought of Amber with her full, heavy breasts and Violet, with her warm smile, something stirred deep inside.
She stood next to a tall rock that jutted up out of the ground at an angle, almost like an erect penis. Carter leaned from the waist forward until the tips of her breasts touched its hot surface. The rough rock snagged the delicate fabric of her chemise and she started to straighten when she sensed Violet behind her. “It's okay,” she said. “It's just me.” Then she brought her body up behind Carter's and caressed her hip with one hand.
Carter could hear the click of the camera as she felt Violet's abdomen pressed against her ass and her warm chest against the curve of her back. The heat of the rocks in front of her was almost too much against th
e sensitive skin of her breasts, but Violet's body held her there, and when Violet reached around and placed a hand on her stomach, Carter shivered and felt her pussy tighten.
Amber spoke then, “That's real nice, girls. He's going to love these. Okay, now Carter, turn slowly to face Violet.”
As Carter turned she realized that Violet had taken off her tank-top and bra and was now bare-breasted. The photos Carter had seen didn’t do her justice. Violet was gorgeous. And now she had Cater trapped against the hot rock. Violet leaned her upper body in closer until her bare tits brushed the tips of Carter's breasts through the silk chemise.
“Mmm,” Violet breathed. “Your tits are hot in more ways than one.”
Carter could feel her nipples tighten to hard peaks and couldn't resist the temptation to rub her breasts ever so slightly against Violet's. She was fascinated by the sight and the sensation. Then Violet's hands caught at the hem of her chemise. “Do you mind?” she asked.
Wordlessly, Carter raised her arms and the chemise floated over her head and was gone. Her gaze traveled down and she saw their nipples pressed firmly together. Her heart beat quickly and she felt her loins turn to water. That was nothing though, for in the next moment Violet had bent down and taken her nipple in her mouth.
It felt like her lips went straight to Carter's core and she moaned in pleasure. She watched while the soft, wet mouth sucked at her. Then Violet slowly lowered herself to her knees in front of Carter, trailing her hands along her sides, to rest on her hips. Could this be real?
Gentle hands began to lower Carter's silk shorts ever so slowly, revealing the bare flesh an inch at a time. Violet's touch was confident and firm, and her patient kisses ignited a flame in Carter's lower stomach that burned away her inhibitions.
Carter raised her eyes and saw Amber now stood in front of her. She'd removed her top, and her breasts hung large and heavy, each a double handful of tantalizing flesh.